
This page contains citations to and often copies of my publications. You may also download my CV.

my Book


Women, Politics, and Power: A Global Perspective (3rd Edition)



by Pamela Paxton and Melanie M. Hughes

"This edition of Women, Politics, and Power is the best book that I have seen on the subject of women and politics. Combining theory and data in a detailed yet very readable text, the authors show the progress that women have made in politics, where they stand now, and the obstacles remaining to full political equality for women, comparatively and globally. It definitely warrants serious consideration by anyone teaching in this area."  --Stephen Robertson

"Women, Politics, and Power is a well-organized and clearly written text. Its multidisciplinary approach synthesizes research on women's political power around the world, and its case studies provide valuable context and support."  --Miriam Levitt

Refereed Journal Articles

Forthcoming. Hughes, Melanie M., Pamela Paxton, Amanda B. Clayton, and Pär Zetterberg. "Global Gender Quota Adoption, Implementation, and Reform." Journal of Comparative Politics.

Forthcoming. Childs, Sarah, and Melanie M. Hughes. "‘Which Men?’ How an Intersectional Perspective on Men and Masculinities Helps Us Understand Women’s Persistent Political Under-Representation." Politics & Gender.

Forthcoming. Tripp, Aili Mari, and Melanie M. Hughes. “Methods, Methodologies, and Epistemologies in Gender and Politics Research.” European Journal of Politics & Gender.

2018. Hughes, Melanie M., Pamela Paxton, Sharon Quinsaat, and Nicholas Reith. "Does the Global North Still Dominate the International Women's Movement? A Network Analysis of Women's International Nongovernmental Organizations, 1978-2008." Mobilization 23(1):1–21. (lead article) 

2018. Plummer, Samantha, Jackie Smith, and Melanie M. Hughes. “Transnational Advocacy Networks and Global Health Governance.” Global Health Governance 12(1):62–74.

2017. Hughes, Melanie M., Pamela Paxton, and Mona Lena Krook. "Gender Quotas for Legislatures and Corporate Boards." Annual Review of Sociology 43:331-52. Download

2017. Smith, Jackie, Samantha Plummer, and Melanie M. Hughes. "Transnational Contention and Changing Organizational Fields in the Late-20th and Early-21st Centuries." Global Networks 17(1):3-22. Download

2016. Hughes, Melanie M. "Electoral Systems and the Legislative Representation of Ethnic Minority Muslim Women in the West, 2000-2010." Parliamentary Affairs. Published online January 28. doi:10.1093/pa/gsv062. Download

2016. Reith, Nicholas, Pamela Paxton, and Melanie M. Hughes. "Building Cross-National, Longitudinal Datasets: Issues and Strategies for Implementation." International Journal of Sociology 46(1):21-41. Download

2015. Hughes, Melanie M. and Lisa D. Brush. "The Price of Protection: A Trajectory Analysis of Civil Remedies for Abuse and Women's Earnings." American Sociological Review 80(1):140-165. Download

2015. Paxton, Pamela and Melanie M. Hughes. "The Increasing Effectiveness of National Gender Quotas, 1990-2010."Legislative Studies Quarterly 40(3):331-362. Download

2015. Paxton, Pamela, Melanie M. Hughes, and Nicholas Reith. "Extending the International Nongovernmental Country Score, 1950-2008." Sociological Science 2:287-307. Download

2013. Hughes, Melanie M. "The Intersection of Gender and Minority Status in National Legislatures: The Minority Women Legislative Index." Legislative Studies Quarterly 38(4):489-516. Download

2013. Crage, Suzanna M., Melanie M. Hughes, Peter Mohanty, and Terri E. Givens. "Gendered Jobs: Integrating Immigrants vs. Controlling Immigration in the European Union." Politics & Gender 9(1):31-60. Download

2013. Hughes, Melanie M. "Diversity in National Legislatures around the World." Sociology Compass 7(1):23-33. Download

2011. Hughes, Melanie M. "Intersectionality, Quotas, and Minority Women's Political Representation Worldwide." American Political Science Review 105(3):604-620. Download Appendix

2011. Hughes, Melanie M. and Lisa D. Brush. "Work, Welfare, and Protection Orders: Modeling Changing Earnings in the Context of Group Differences and Institutional Shifts." Violence Against Women 17(3):322-339. Download

2010. Paxton, Pamela, Melanie M. Hughes and Matthew Painter, II. "Growth in Women's Political Representation: A Longitudinal Exploration of Democracy, Electoral System and Gender Quotas." European Journal of Political Research 49:25-52. Download

2009. Hughes, Melanie M., Lindsey Peterson, Jill Ann Harrison, and Pamela Paxton. "Power and Relation in the World Polity: The INGO Network Country Score, 1978-1998." Social Forces 87(4):1712-1742. Download

2009. Hughes, Melanie M. "Armed Conflict, International Linkages, and Women's Parliamentary Representation in Developing Nations." Social Problems 56(1): 174-204. Download

2009. Paxton, Pamela, Matthew Painter, II, and Melanie M. Hughes. "Year of the Woman, Decade of the Man: Trajectories of Growth in Women's Statehouse Representation." Social Science Research 38:86-102. Download

2008. Downey, Douglas, Paul von Hippel, and Melanie M. Hughes. "Are 'Failing' School Really Failing? Using Seasonal Comparisons to Separate School from Non-School Effects on Learning." Sociology of Education 81(3):242-270. Download

2008. Hughes, Melanie M. and Pamela Paxton. "Continuous Change, Episodes, and Critical Periods: A Framework for Understanding Women's Political Representation over Time." Politics & Gender 4(2):233-264. Download

2007. Hughes, Melanie M. "Windows of Political Opportunity: Institutional Instability and Gender Inequality in the World's National Legislatures." International Journal of Sociology 37(4):26-51. Download

2007. Hughes, Melanie M. and Pamela Paxton. "Familiar Theories from a New Perspective: The Implications of a Longitudinal Approach to Women in Politics Research." Politics & Gender 3(3):370-378. Download

2007. Paxton, Pamela, Sheri Kunovich, and Melanie M. Hughes. "Gender in Politics." Annual Review of Sociology 33:263-284. Download

2006. Paxton, Pamela, Melanie M. Hughes, and Jennifer Green. "The International Women's Movement and Women's Political Representation, 1893-2003." American Sociological Review 71(6):898-920. Download Download Appendix

Book Reviews

2014. Hughes, Melanie M. Book review of Contagious Representation: Women's Political Representation in Democracies around the World by Frank C. Thames and Margaret S. Williams. Gender & Society 28(4):633-635.

2013. Hughes, Melanie M. Book review of Behind the Backlash: Muslim Americans After 9/11 by Lori Peek. Sociology of Islam1(1-2):115-117.

2008. Hughes, Melanie M. Book review of The Best-Kept Secret: Women Corporate Lobbyists, Policy, & Power in the United States by Denise Benoit. Contemporary Sociology 37(5):461-462.

Other Publications

2018. Paxton, Pamela, and Melanie M. Hughes. “Gender and Politics in the 2016 U.S. Election and Beyond.” Introduction to Special Collection on Gender and Politics in Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World 4:1–3.

2018. Finkel, Müge, and Melanie M. Hughes. “Pitt Researchers Support UN Efforts to Combat Global Gender Inequality.” European Studies Center Newsletter. Spring Edition.

2015. Bolzendahl, Catherine and Melanie M. Hughes. Introduction to the Newsletter Mini-Symposium. “Gender in Formal Politics: Current Trends and Sociological Directions.” Sex and Gender News. Fall Edition.

2014. Hughes, Melanie M. "Quota Design and the Political Representation of Women from Indigenous and Tribal Groups." Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Research. Paper No. RSCAS 2014/105. Download

2013. Paxton, Pamela and Melanie M. Hughes. "Bringing Gender Back In." States, Power, and Societies 18(3):1-4. Download

2013. Hughes, Melanie M. "Social and Political Change for Women in Post-Genocide Rwanda." Excerpt in Our Social World: Introduction to Sociology, edited by Jeane Ballantine and Keith Roberts. Pine Forge. 4th Edition.

2009. Hughes, Melanie M. "Women, Ethnicity, and Political Change in Burundi." Excerpt in Chapter 9 of Our Social World: Introduction to Sociology, 2nd Edition, edited by Jeane Ballantine and Keith Roberts. Pine Forge Press. Reprinted in the 3rd Edition (Chapter 13).

2009. Pamela Paxton, Melanie M. Hughes, and Matthew A. Painter II. "Growth in Women's Political Representation: A Longitudinal Exploration of Democracy, Electoral System, and Gender Quotas." Center for the Study of Democracy. Paper 09-01.

Last updated: June 8, 2018

2015. Hughes, Melanie M. and Aili Mari Tripp. "Civil War and Trajectories of Change in Women's Political Representation in Africa, 1985-2010." Social Forces. Published online February 12. doi:10.1093/sf/sov003. Download

2015. Hughes, Melanie M., Mona Lena Krook, and Pamela Paxton. "Transnational Women's Activism and the Global Diffusion of Gender Quotas." International Studies Quarterly. Published online March 12. doi:10.1111/isqu.12190. Download

Book Chapters

Forthcoming. Hughes, Melanie M. "The Combination of Gender and Ethnic Quotas in Electoral Politics." In Women and Legal Pluralism: Extending Parity Governance, edited by Will Kymlicka and Ruth Rubio Marin. Oxford University Press.

Forthcoming. Hughes, Melanie M. and Pamela Paxton. "The Political Representation of Women Over Time." In Global Handbook on Women's Political Rights, edited by Netina Tan, Mona Lena Krook, and Susan Franceschet. Palgrave Macmillan.

2017. Hughes, Melanie M. and Joshua Dubrow. "Intersectionality and Women's Political Empowerment Worldwide." In Measuring Women's Political Empowerment, edited by Amy C. Alexander, Catherine Bolzendahl, and Farida Jalalzai. Palgrave MacMillan.

2017. Yates, Elizabeth A. and Melanie M. Hughes. "Cultural Explanations for Men's Dominance of National Leadership Worldwide." Pp. 101-122 in Women Presidents and Prime Ministers in Post-Transition Democracies, edited by Veronica Montecinos. Palgrave MacMillan.

2014. Hughes, Melanie M. "Crossing Intersections: Overcoming the Challenges of Cross-National Research on the Legislative Representation of Women from Marginalized Groups." Pp. 51‒66 in Political Inequality in the Age of Democracy: Cross-national Perspectives, edited by Joshua K. Dubrow. Routledge.

2011. Hughes, Melanie M. and Pamela Paxton. "Women and Political Systems Worldwide." Pp. 502‒527 in Women Worldwide: Transnational Feminist Perspectives on Women, edited by Janet Lee and Susan Shaw. McGraw-Hill.

2010. Paxton, Pamela and Melanie M. Hughes. "Women as Presidents, Prime Ministers and Government Ministers." Pp. 321‒330 in Gender and Women's Leadership: A Reference Handbook, edited by Karen O'Connor. Sage Publications.