International Organizations Data
My publicly-available data are available for download here, along with citations for use of these data. See my Gender & Politics data here.
Transnational social movement organizations dataset (TSMOD), 1953-2013
TSMOD is a ten-year extension of Smith and Wiest’s (2012) biennial 1953-2003 data on the population of transnational social movement organizations (TSMOs). Data are coded from the Yearbook of International Organizations and include information on each TSMO’s founding year, membership structure, headquarters location, goals, ties to intergovernmental organizations, and ties to nongovernmental organizations.
Funding: National Science Foundation SES-1323130; University of Pittsburgh (Global Studies Center, World History Center, Year of Pitt Global, Research in Diversity Grant)
Downloads: Data in CSV Format (.csv), Compressed Data in Stata Format (.dta), and Codebook.
Citations: When using the data, please cite the dataset and an article that uses the data:
Smith, Jackie, Dawn Wiest, Melanie M. Hughes, Samantha Plummer, Brittany Duncan. 2019. Transnational Social Movement Organizations Dataset (TSMOD), 1953-2013. [Computer file]. Harvard Dataverse [distributor], DOI: 10.7910/DVN/NRUBSV.
Transnational Social Movements and Changing Organizational Fields in the Late Twentieth and Early 21st Centuries Jackie Smith, Samantha Plummer, and Melanie Hughes. Global Networks 17(1): 3-22. Download Article
women's International Non-Governmental Organizations, 1950-2013
These data provide measures of country-level memberships in women's international nongovernmental organizations (WINGOs). Data are provided for 160 countries (those with over 1 million population in 2000) for 12 time points, approximately every 5 years. We provide both raw and imputed counts. Data were released publicly in March 2017.
Funding: National Science Foundation SES-0962034 and SES-1067218
Downloads: Data in Excel Format (.xlsx) and Codebook.
Citations: When using the data, please cite the dataset and an article that uses the data:
Hughes, Melanie M. Pamela Paxton, Sharon Quinsaat, and Nicholas Reith. 2017. Women's International Nongovernmental Organizations, 1950-2013. [Computer file]. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor],
Hughes, Melanie M., Pamela Paxton, Sharon Quinsaat, and Nicholas Reith. 2018. "Does the Global North Still Dominate the International Women's Movement? A Network Analysis of Women's International Nongovernmental Organizations, 1978-2008." Mobilization. Download Article
INGO Network Country Scores (INCS), 1950-2008
These data provide a measure of country-level connectedness to the world polity called INCS. The measure scores countries by centrality in the world country-INGO network, rather than on raw counts of INGO ties that do not acknowledge networks or power. Data span 5,291 INGOs. Both raw and scaled scores are provided.
Funding: National Science Foundation SES-0962034 and SES-1067218
Downloads: Data in Excel Format (.xlsx)
Citation: Paxton, Pamela, Melanie M. Hughes, and Nicholas Reith. 2015. "Extending the International Nongovernmental Country Score, 1950-2008." Sociological Science 2: 287-307. Download Article
Last updated: December 15, 2019